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Browsing or searching?

How to find data using the site navigation, search and filters

The Observatory site has been developed to help find specific data as quickly as possible, although we’re happy if you just wish to browse!


The data section of the site is accessible from the top navigation bar.  The Home page also provides links to topic sections and flags up new content. 

The data is provided in the form of interactive dashboards and graphs and downloadable datasets, broken down into several sections, namely

  • Tourism in Scotland - where you’ll find data and analyses relating to Scotland’s visitors and tourism sectors
  • Tourism in the UK - where you can find data about Scotland’s major domestic markets - England, Wales and Northern Ireland as well as Scotland itself.
  • Global tourism - where you can find data relating to international tourism trends

On the top navigation bar, you can also find sections on Responsible Tourism and Community (where there are cases studies and information to provide encouragement and support for using data).  In “Menu”, you’ll find links to information, including the “Using the site” guides.


If you’re looking for specific data on your region or sector, you can search the website or use filters to narrow your results

There are a number of ways to do this:

  • You can do a quick data search on the homepage
  • You can filter results by location and topic on the Scotland data 
  • And you can also use data dashboard filters to select the data you need

To search all of the Observatory content (not just data), you can use the search button on the top navigation bar.